This photo is from the front of the mosque. I took it without looking, kind of like a behind-the-back pass, except without the basketball. Or the behind-the-back thing. Okay, okay. I was looking. Leave me alone.
I have cute kids too. Grace is almost a year old. That means it's time for her to freaking start dressing herself and looking for a job to earn her keep around here. But she's pretty cute, so maybe I'll let her slide for another year or 15.
Savannah starts school in two weeks. I'm practicing my over-protective father moves by punching holes in the walls. If some little boy tries to chase Savannah around the playground for a kiss, we'll invite him over and I'll show him the holes in the walls and then tell him that could be his face if he keeps chasing my daughter. My point is made, and no harm done.
Halen's just cool.
Except when he's hugging blonde chicks, then he's just plain cute.