So, yeah, there's this sweet Scrabble application on Facebook. It's not really like actual Scrabble I guess, because there's a built in dictionary into which you can just type words to see if they're actual words. If it's a word, it turns green. If it's not a word, it turns red. So I guess playing Scrabble on Facebook is kind of like bowling with bumpers. Or like playing tennis with Maria Sharapova standing behind you, returning the shots you miss.
Actually, that would be really awkward to play tennis with Maria Sharapova standing behind you, returning shots you miss. Seriously, I can't listen to her play tennis. She makes me blush. I mean, can't the woman control her screaming? Look, we all have habits we have to learn to control because they're not socially appropriate. I, for instance, have to control the urge to raise my hand during my law school classes, when the students around me begin to take themselves too seriously in their comments, and say something like, "I'm a Leo," or "Once I went to Boise and stayed at the Holiday Inn," or "Sumo wrestlers look like Japanese butter." But I don't. I control myself. Can't Maria Sharapova do the same?
Now that I'm thinking about it, do you know what would be even more awkward than Maria Sharapova standing behind you while you play tennis and returning the shots you miss? Maria Sharapova standing behind you while you play Scrabble on Facebook and screaming every time you try to play a bogus word. Awk-ward. Or Maria Sharapova standing behind you while you grocery shop and screaming every time you put something in your cart. Even Wal-Mart might ask you to leave if you brought Maria Sharapova with you.
This is definitely the most fun I've ever had with Maria Sharapova. I predict that, having penned that last sentence, I'll get a ton of hits on this blog from people Googling "fun with Maria Sharapova." Schweet!