Pictures of Honduran Birds (and Cosmic Phish)
I like birds as much as the next guy. No, wait. I probably like birds a little less than the next guy. Unless the next guy is the Florida man who was killed by a bird — that was not a velociraptor — in 2019. I am not making this up. Florida men do amazing things, like get punched by Mike Tyson on a JetBlue flight. I am still not making this up.
A bird pooped on me once and this is why I like birds less than the proverbial next guy. The experience sparked a long period of confusion, rudderless-ness, and unconscious and increasing reliance on Phish for meaning in the universe. Thanks a lot, bird poop. Tangentially, “Bouncing Around the Room” does make a certain amount of existential sense.
Copan, Honduras (Apr 2022)
Copan, Honduras is known for two things. First, a set of exquisite Mayan ruins dating from roughly the 5th through 9th centuries A.D. And, second, macaws. They are the loudest of the area’s many birds. They are the Texans of the Copan region. I snapped the above photo just as the macaw was taking off to come attack me. With poop. I am making this up.
Copan, Honduras (Apr 2022)
Violet attempted to become the bird. She failed. She is still a 10 year old kid without actual wings. But she has figurative wings she will use to fly figuratively to great places! Such as infinity! And beyond! Possibly also a shower after this Copan road trip is over.
Macaw Mountain; Copan, Honduras (Apr 2022)
This bird is actually in the act of biting my wife in this photo. Bad bird! But, also, how funny! We all laughed. Me, the bird, we all laughed. Shannon did not laugh as much. She needs to lighten up, and also sew her finger back on.
Copan, Honduras (Apr 2022)
Here is Violet being an angel. An angel who does not like the baladera this tiendita serves for breakfast. Not sure how her body cells are still developing given that the only things she feeds them are brownies, chocolate milk, and cheesy Goldfish.
Copan, Honduras (Apr 2022)
If you look closely, you can see Shannon and Violet ascending this stairway into the bright sunlight of the future! Grace said it looks like they’re climbing into a butt crack. Grace is 14, so I will allow it.