Welcome to Abu Halen.

If you listen real heard, you can actually hear the good times roll. Or at least limp. Maybe crawl.

Sometimes You Stink, and That's Just the Way It Is

Fishing ship at sundown. (Uig, Isle of Skye, Scotland; Aug 2010)

I had an intership in the UK after my first year of law school. The internship was only five weeks long, so Shannon and I jointly decided that I should just go alone. Then I read a National Geographic article on the Hebrides, an archipelago in Scotland's northwest, so I independently decided that I should just postpone my return flight for a few days so I could check out the Hebrides a little. You know, for science's sake. Shannon just sort of shrugged, because that's what you do a lot when you're married to me.

I had a backpack with an extra t-shirt, a sweater, a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts, two pairs of underwear, and my camera. I caught a plane from London to Glasgow, then took an eight-hour bus ride from Glasgow to Uig, population 200, on the Isle of Skye. When I got off the bus, I walked a block to a place that rented bicycles, then I rode a few miles along the cliffs overlooking the loch to a little bed and breakfast. On the way, I took this shot, not knowing that it would rain for the rest of my three days on the island.

I rode around and got really wet. The bed and breakfast was drafty, so my clothes never really dried out. So every morning I got up, took a lukewarm shower, put on my damp clothes, and rode around in the rain some more. I won't lie to you, I stunk pretty bad on the plane ride home. That's just the way it is though. Sometimes you stink.

Sweet, Entitled Brats, jk: Swimming Pools and Childhood

I Love Old Adult Contemporary 'N' Roll (So Put Another Dime in the Jukebox, Baby)