I had an intership in the UK after my first year of law school. The internship was only five weeks long, so Shannon and I jointly decided that I should just go alone. Then I read a National Geographic article on the Hebrides, an archipelago in Scotland's northwest, so I independently decided that I should just postpone my return flight for a few days so I could check out the Hebrides a little. You know, for science's sake. Shannon just sort of shrugged, because that's what you do a lot when you're married to me.
I had a backpack with an extra t-shirt, a sweater, a pair of jeans, a pair of shorts, two pairs of underwear, and my camera. I caught a plane from London to Glasgow, then took an eight-hour bus ride from Glasgow to Uig, population 200, on the Isle of Skye. When I got off the bus, I walked a block to a place that rented bicycles, then I rode a few miles along the cliffs overlooking the loch to a little bed and breakfast. On the way, I took this shot, not knowing that it would rain for the rest of my three days on the island.
I rode around and got really wet. The bed and breakfast was drafty, so my clothes never really dried out. So every morning I got up, took a lukewarm shower, put on my damp clothes, and rode around in the rain some more. I won't lie to you, I stunk pretty bad on the plane ride home. That's just the way it is though. Sometimes you stink.