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If you listen real heard, you can actually hear the good times roll. Or at least limp. Maybe crawl.

Baby Shakes

Banana-date-oatmeal shake. Yum!
Every once in a long while, I come up with a brilliant idea. This one has saved me oodles of time teaspooning food into my baby's mouth, and it's not as messy as spoon feeding either. So I thought I'd share, in case anyone out there is interested.

Baby shakes are one of the best ways to feed a baby. It only took me four babies to figure that out! Here's how I do it:

1. Pull out the Magic Bullet and blend up fruits, veggies, rice, oatmeal, or whatever's on baby's menu for the day.
2. Pour the puree into a cup.
3. Cut a milkshake straw (it has to be a thick one to work properly for baby) in half, and drop it in the cup.
4. Bib the baby, and let her go to town.

Two Scenes From Jeddah Airport
